Other Activities

Anette Frank und Katja Markert (members of ExpLAIN): Explizite Sprache — Implizite Sprache. Die Herausforderungen maschinellen Sprachverstehens. Forschungsmagazin “Ruperta Carola”, Schwerpunktthema MENSCH & MASCHINE, Ausgabe 16, Juni 2020 (to appear). 

Members of ExpLAIN, Leo Born and Juri Opitz presented "Providing new views on textual data with knowledge graphs". Workshop at the 2nd Heidelberg Computational Humanities School (HCH19).

Jonas Kuhn (member of MARDY) was a panelist at the 11th World Conference of Science Journalists (Lausanne): Session “Journobots : friend or foe?” (Organizer and moderator: Eva Wolfangel, speakers: Jonas Kuhn, Jeremy Merrill, Varada Kolhatkar).

Gabriella Lapesa (member of MARDY), submitted a project proposal in the BMBF program for “KI-Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen” with a topic in part inspired by the experiences from MARDY and the SPP RATIO. The project comprises an entire BMBF-funded research group for a runtime of 4 years. It was successfully reviewed and will be allocated at IMS Stuttgart -- with plans for a collaboration with MARDY, and future extensions of the MARDY project.

Members of MARDY gave invited talks at the International Interdisciplinary Workshop "Words and action. Political text mining", Helsinki, January 13-14,2020: Erenay Dayanik (U. Stuttgart) presented "Towards computational construction of discourse networks for political debates" and Nico Blokker (U. of Bremen) presented "Semi-automatic construction of discourse networks from newspaper articles".

Sebastian Pado (member of MARDY) gave the invited talk "Towards computational construction of discourse networks for political debates" in the COLT colloquium, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (4.11.20).